


The Vagus hours 8 CEUs/ September 24th, 2024 The Vagus hours 8 CEUs/ September 24th, 2024
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LDT (Lymph Drainage Therapy), Yoga Bandha and Flamenco For Facilitating The Lymph Flow August 30- September 1st

MLD and proper movements in a therapeutic sequence for promoting the Lymph flow .

This course will present evidence-based data on Lymph Drainage approaches and state-of-the-art techniques, learned and practiced through a  network with a broad array of colleagues and experts, and share high-yield experiences to help attendees improve their client outcomes.

Interactive Q&A sessions at the end of each module will offer the opportunity to debate the evidence, exchange ideas, and gain invaluable insight to assist with the most challenging cases.

It explores traditional LDT approaches in combination with intrinsic physiological mechanisms and therapeutic movements for assisting /promoting the Lymph system in its adaptive role.

In this class you will learn:

  • How the lymphatic system works and how you can help improve the health of the patients during and after the cancer treatment

  • About the PrimoVascular System: unique anatomical system shifting a medical paradigm and its role in Lymphatic system formation and in cancer metastasis

  • Simple Protocols for Detoxification and Minor Pathologies, adaptable to each patient's specific problem

  • What happens when pathways of the lymphatic system have been interrupted and how lymphedema develops

  • How to distinguish primary lymphedema from secondary lymphedema

  • How to facilitate its drainage by stimulating the preserved lymph flow - "Lymphatic mapping"

  • Yoga Bandha and specific movements/exercises from various dance forms which will improve the lymph flow from different lymphatic zones in the body

For place and times Contact :

(901) 351-8417

March 29-31st, 2024  InBodyWeTrust class 24 CEUs March 29-31st, 2024  InBodyWeTrust class 24 CEUs
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March 29-31st, 2024 InBodyWeTrust class 24 CEUs

Class highlights :

This course provides a courageous and compassionate space for exploring the principles of creating safety and stabilization of the ANS through touch and movement- core mechanisms in Massage/Manual Therapy, through the following tools:

  • Understanding why it is critical to have trained practitioners working with trauma, at this time in our world

  • Identifying signs of PTS(Post Traumatic Stress) being expressed/released in the body

  • Understanding Trauma and the educated touch through the lens of Polyvagal Theory

  • Exploring and defining Safety for both- client AND therapist

  • Embracing the critical role of the practitioner as a co-regulator in the process of entrainment and recognize the importance to remain safe, calm and centered for establishing first connection for the client with Self through the body

  • Recognize the emerging quality of a double Neuroception field co-created by the therapist-patient interaction, during session

  • Mind-Body techniques for creating trust and awareness of “ the other” through presence

  • Using the qualities of Touch that transmit Safety to bring a tissue out of “Defensive State “ - why sometimes our Deep-Tissue techniques are not working - lifting the curtain of “you can go deeper” - the road from pain to numbness and the role of the psychomotor functions of the muscles; working with hyper- and hypo - arousal.

  • Understanding Cranial Nerves, muscles of Social Engagement System and the contribution of MT in the regulation of the ANS

  • Engaging the healing power of the Vagus nerve and beyond - manual therapy techniques to access the Vagus nerve in different parts of the body

  • Assessment of different autonomic states - Autonomic System Mapping- Compare and contrast the anatomical features of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems- the signs of Dorsal and Ventral Vagal tone and Sympathetic dominance

  • Exploring the intersection of Bodywork and the concept of embodiment

  • Cross-Assessment of your perception with clients’ interception of their tissues for shifting awareness

  • Acknowledging the process of establishing professional relationships- referral and rapport, with health practitioners working in trauma field.

  • Examining the body as co-creator of the mind - How introducing proper movement, during or at the end of session, sustains the new body/mind awareness

  • The last hour of the class "Dance Life Maps" in an atmosphere of peer support and interaction, is as personally healing as it is educational

Past Classes

Feb 25- 27th 2022

In Body We Trust: supporting the ANS healing trauma through touch & movement


Location: 5384 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38119-3611, United States


Welcome to Dancing for Healing & Bodywork

Where we create space for personal and planetary healing, cultivating an understanding of our relationship with all Life.

DFH&B  offers a series of techniques and insights that reflect cutting-edge research, ancient practices, and current clinical experiences on how to utilize one's presence to augment the healing process.

About the instructor

Dancing for Healing & Bodywork



Discover Vagus Hours Nights

More details coming soon

Info coming Soon

Developing an Extraordinary Port-De-Bras

For Beautiful Lines and Fun

I am offering these exercises because your compromised postures are haunting my dreams. These subtle but precise movements are coming from the unmatched tradition of the Classical Russian Ballet.

Once learned to be performed correctly, they:

  • Will allow you to gain postural control in a short time.
  • Will serve as a cardio-vascular conditioning
  • Will increase extension, produce beautiful lines, and develop extraordinary port de bras.
  • Are perfectly easy done few minutes before breakfast

After this class, you'll never be able to slouch your back, even if you want to.

* Port de Bras (Fr. for upper-mid-back) is what is so, soooo in need of being reeducated and reintegrated in your postural patterns.

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Every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm

The Dynamic Postural Control through tango Walk

The class will start with:

  • Self-Myo-fascial release techniques for lower extremities
  • static stretching
  • breathing meditation
  • review of Port-De-Bras postures
  • Tango dance demo from Memphis Argentine Tango Society

all of the above - no longer than 15min

  • Practicing the Tango walk 30 min
  • Focused breath meditation
  • dynamic stretching 5-10 min

Practicing the Tango sequence of the different gait phases will prepare the lower part of the body to wear the Middle-Upper-Back like $1,000,000 suit.

The benefits for you from this work-out range in:

  • reducing low back pain through reestablishing the pelvis- lower back connection
  • relieving the neck muscles from having to compensate for the insufficient lower body motor control
  • better balance and coordination
  • integration of your Gluteal muscles BACK in the walking business (instead of just "sagging in there")
  • training the muscles of lower extremities and pelvic Girdle to WORK IN CONCERT
  • wakening of your muscle tissue memory for proper function
  • GAINING DYNAMIC CONTROL over your Posture - through automatizing the transition between concentric, isometric and eccentric muscle contractions
  • reeducating your brain in the GAIT PATTERN of:
    • a tanguero
    • or a Cat
    • or a Bengali tiger
    • The Girl from Ipanema
    • Crocodile Dundee
  • no more feeling like "The great Imposture" (ctn. JimMcGee) at any party
  • feeling like $1,000,000

CAN YOU DO THESE MOVEMENTS?- Yes, and I will be there providing the CONTROLLED and SAFE ENVIRONMENT for your muscles and their lost memory for healthy function.

Practicing this walk for 5 min a day is all I am asking you for.

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Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm

Dancing for "The Self And Its Brain"

Before we explore Salsa, Flamenco, Oriental and Different Folk dances, before we dance to a painting, a sculpture, a poem, a child or an idea or start other forms of interpretive and expressive movements, we have to reinforce the fundamentals

Static and Dynamic Postural Control and Balance and Coordination integration

Bring a large towel, comfortable shoes

The class will include:

  • Free Dance I (externalizing what arises in our bodies, at this moment, in a nonverbal form - body movements (with or without music)
  • self-Breema exercises (for enhancing the kinestetic awareness) -
  • static and dynamic ACTIVE stretching
  • review of Tango walk
  • stabilizing the trunk during walking and introduction to trunk-pelvis counter rotation(you'll be ready for salsa and Belly dancing)
  • practicing various gait patterns at different tempos and music
  • Free Dance II
  • comparing the degree and quality of expression between the two Free Dances - at the beginning and at the end of class
  • Focused Breath Meditation

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Every 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm

Flamenco for Arthritis and Osteoporosis

One hour of Flamenco( bail) "tangos pas" and arm movements will :
  • Mobilize arthritic joints
  • Improve muscle balance
  • Bring percussion and weight bearing to the long bones - which stimulate osteoblasts formation
  • Enhance the capacity of the brain to differentiate body parts and integrate them through coordinated movements of hands and feet
  • Facilitate posture, alignment and coordination
  • Electrify the heart
  • Connect it with the mind
  • Encourage your spontaneity
  • Make every cell of your body vibrate with the frequencies of the universe

And you will arrive at the state of FREEDOM

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Every Thursday at 6:00 pm

Cancer? So what! Defy it with Dancing For Healing

Increase your stamina

Drain the lymphedema

Hold on to the fun

Embrace the present

Dance off the fear

Learn to reach out for help

Trust the help

Get close to your bones to discover what you need to change

Take the change

And the lead

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The Vagus hours 8 CEUs/ Live/ Memphis, TN
Sale Price: $180.00 Original Price: $200.00

April 9-11th 2021

Early Bird: $380

Register by March 16th 2021

Regular Price: $480

Location: 5384 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38119-3611, United States




Location: For Your Health

5384 Poplar Ave ste. 444, Memphis, TN 38119


In Body We Trust - Supporting the ANS and Healing Trauma


November 9th, 2019

2018 Classes