Natural Physical Factors

Pre-Formed Physical Factors

What is an Infrared sauna? Does it have health benefits?
Answers from Elena Stoeva MD, LMT
An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses light to create heat. These saunas are sometimes called far-infrared saunas — "far" describes where the infrared waves fall on the light spectrum. A traditional sauna uses heat to warm the air, which in turn warms your body. An infrared sauna heats your body directly without warming the air around you.
The appeal of saunas in general is that they cause reactions, such as vigorous sweating and increased heart rate, similar to those elicited by moderate exercise. An infrared sauna produces these results at lower temperatures than does a regular sauna, which makes it accessible to people who can't tolerate the heat of a conventional sauna. But does that translate into tangible health benefits?
Several studies have looked at using infrared saunas in the treatment of chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and rheumatoid arthritis, and found some evidence of benefit.
Multiple studies suggest a well established link between sauna and cardiovascular health with lowering BP and pulse rate in patients with high blood pressure.
To this well established link, a recent study from the Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease (KIHD) study (included 2300 middle-aged men in Finland) showed those whose sauna use averaged 4 to 7 times per week were 66%less likely to develop dementia at 20-year follow-up than men who used sauna once a addition, they had a 65% risk reduction for Alzheimer disease. The results were published online Dec 7th 2016 in Age and Aging
Dr.Laukkanen , the principal investigator of KIHD study, says: "Our results are therefore biologically plausible as regular sauna bathing is associated with improved vascular endothelial function, which also leads to reduced inflammation."
No adverse effects have been reported with infrared saunas. If you're considering trying a sauna for relaxation, 22 min daily in an Infrared sauna is time well spent.

Hivamat deep oscillation - Clinical Effects:
HIVAMAT (Histologically Variable Manual Therapy-Hivamat Therapy for PAIN RELIEF & more… FDA approved.)
The function of HIVAMAT 200 Evident is based on a pulsed electrostatic field which is built up in the patient’s body region to be treated. Its frequency changes between 5 – 250 Hz, according to the selected program. Due to the movement of the hands, and in contrast to externally applied, mechanical forms of therapy, (e.g. vibration), the therapy effect of DEEP OSCILLATION® takes place in the tissue itself and works through the entire depth of the tissue layers (skin, connective tissue, subcutaneous fat, muscles, blood and lymph vessels).
This causes DEEP OSCILLATION® to be especially gentle and makes it an unmatched treatment alternative for fresh trauma, postoperative trauma, for acute pain and in the area of open wounds.
Proof was established in representative studies of the following significant effects of DEEP OSCILLATION®:
Encouraging wounds to heal
DEEP OSCILLATION® helps in speeding up and improving wound healing processes. Through the oedema-reducing and anti inflammatory effect, the local metabolic elimination and alimentation is improved in all tissue layers, whereby tissue regeneration and wound closure are encouraged on many levels. This is documented by the significant improvement in planimetric and biochemical parameters of the wound healing.
Pain Reduction
DEEP OSCILLATION® alleviates pain by reallocating and flushing out pain transmitting and mediating substances. It suppresses inflammation and oedema induced pain by |restricting pro inflammatory cell movement to the damaged area, by reducing the inflammatory mediator release, and by oedema reduction.
Muscle Relaxation and Mobilization
In chronic pain syndromes and post-traumatic conditions reduced mobility often is caused by constricted microcirculation due to increased tone of the muscles encasing capillary vessels. DEEP OSCILLATION® is muscle relaxing, enabling optimal metabolism and normalizing of defective nerve function. As a measurable sign range of movement can be obtained or even increased.
Anti Inflammatory
DEEP OSCILLATION® suppresses acute and chronic inflammation by restricting pro-inflammatory cell movement to the damaged area, by reducing the inflammatory mediator release, and by inhibiting water and protein leakage from the blood and lymph vessels.
Oedema and Fibrosis Reduction
On the level of the interstitium, DEEP OSCILLATION® causes a »Shuffling« of the basic substance, thus promoting the removal of interstitial fluid as well as content material. Interstitial septa and fissures are kept open by the mechanical activation, which helps interstitial drainage. This significantly reduces both local oedema and aseptic inflammation. Proof was also established of a significant reduction in swelling in the area of the wound, due to the treatment. In chronic conditions the treatment helps to disperse fibrosis and to diminish hardening of the tissue.
Cellulite treatment: Rough Fibrous Septae Disruption/Improvement of Skin Elasticity
DEEP OSCILLATION® disrupts or prevents the formation of rough fibrous septae and reduces the sensitivity of skin cells to estrogen hormones. This provides effective treatment of cellulite in 80% of women. Skin elasticity increases, and fibrosis is reduced.
Hivamat after Breast Cancer surgery
After Breast Cancer Surgery DEEP OSCILLATION can be applied from Day One Operative providing significant pain relief, a reduction in swelling, quicker reabsorption of Haematomas and improving sensitivity, mobility and a dynamic wound healing. The treatment feels amazingly relaxing – most people can’t stay awake!
The first verification of DEEP OSCILLATION effects using ultrasound. A great treatment unto itself, or can be combined with other modalities.
*$75.00 per 30 minutes / $40 for 15 minutes

Laser Therapy is the application of red and near infra-red light over injuries or lesions to improve wound / soft tissue healing and give relief for both acute and chronic pain. It is now officially referred to as (Low Level Laser Therapy) LLLT. “Low level laser therapy” , “photobiomodulation” , "Low power Laser irradiation" are now terms listed in Wikipedia or PubMe.
Laser Therapy is used to:
Increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair;
Give pain relief;
Resolve inflammation;
An alternative to needles for acupuncture; Non-ablative Skin Rejuvenation
-The red and near infrared light (600nm-1000nm) can be produced by laser or high intensity LED. The intensity of LLLT lasers is not high like a surgical laser*. There is no heating effect. The effect is photochemical (like photosynthesis in plants). Red light aids the production of ATP thereby providing the cell with more energy which in turn means the cell is in optimum condition to play its part in a natural healing process.
*LLLT devices are typically delivering 5mW -1000mW (0.2 -> 1.0 Watts).
How Long are the Treatments?
Treatments can vary in time from seconds to minutes depending on the condition. Research studies show that there may be a dose dependent response, so it may be more effective to treat at lower doses at multiple intervals then to treat a single time with a high dose.
Laser Therapy is Popularly Used For:
* Pain Relief (muscles, joints, nerves)
* Whiplash
* Plantar fascitis
* Wound Healing
* Trauma
* Arthritis
* Migraine headache
* Lower back pain
* Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI)
* Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
* Tendonitis
* Fibromyalgia / Myofascial Pain
* Sprains and strains
* Sinusitis
* Tonsilitis
* Otitis externa
* Post-operative pain
* Post-operative wounds
* Knee, foot, ankle pain
* Tennis Elbow
* Golfer's Elbow
* Soft tissue injuries
* Swelling
* Burns
* Pressure sores
* Herpes simplex
* Herpes zoster(Shingles)
* Acne